Friday 3 January 2014

የቴምር 10 የጤና በረከቶች ቴምር

በቫይታሚን፣ ማዕድናትና የተለያዩ ንጥረ ነገሮች የበለጸገ መሆኑ በርካታ የጤና ጠቀሜታዎች እንዲኖሩት አስችሎታል፡፡…ለምሳሌ ያህል…
1) ስብና ኮልስትሮል፡ ከየትኛውም የኮልስትሮል ዓይነቶች የጸዳና በጣም አነስተኛ የስብ መጠን ያለው መሆኑ ክብደት መቀነስ ለሚፈልጉ ተመራጭ ነው፡፡

2) ፕሮቲን፡ ቴምር በፕሮቲንና አስፈላጊ ማዕድናት የበለጸገ መሆኑ ለሰውነት እጅጉን ጠቃሚ ያደርገዋል፡፡

3) ቫይታሚን፡ በቫይታሚን የበለጸገ ነው ቴምር፡፡ ከቫይታሚን ዓይነቶች ቢ1፣ ቢ2፣ ቢ3፣ ቢ5፣ ኤ1 እና ሲ ንም አካትቶ ይዟል፡፡

4) ሀይል እና ጉልበት፡ ቴምር ቀላል የማይባል የሀይል ክምችት ስላለውም ንቁና በሀይል የተሞላን እንድንሆን ያስችለናል፡፡

5) ፖታሲየምና ካልሲየም፡ ቴምር የፖታሲየም ክምችቱ ከፍተኛ ነው፡፡ ይህም በልብ በሽታ እንዳንጠቃና አካላችን ውስጥ ያለው የኮልስትሮል መጠን እንዲቀንስ ይረዳል፡፡ ቴምር በአንጻሩ አነስተኛ የሶዲየም መጠን ነው ያለው፡፡ ብዙ ፖታሲየምና ትንሽ ሶዲየም ደግሞ ለጤናማ የነርቭ ስርዐት ወሳኝ ነው፡፡

6) ብረት፡ ቴምር በብረትና በፍሎሪን የበለጸገ መሆኑ ደግሞ ብረቱ የብረት ማዕድን እጥረት ላለባቸው ሰዎች፣ ፍሎሪኑ ደግሞ ጥርስን ከመበስበስ ይከላከላል፡፡

7) ድርቀት፡ ለድርቀትም ቢሆን ውሀ ውስጥ የተነከረ ቴምር መመገብ ፍቱን እንደሆነ ይታወቃል፡፡

8) ሰውነትን ማጽዳት፡ በአልኮል መጠጣት ሳቢያ ሰውነት ውስጥ የሚከማቸውን መርዛማ ኬሚካሎች ከሰውነታችን ውስጥ በማስወገድም ይረዳል - ቴምር !

9) ካንሰር እና የዓይን ችግር፡ የዓይን ህመም ችግርንና የሆድ ነቀርሳ (ካንሰር)ን ለማከምም ብቃት እንዳለው ይታወቃል - ቴምር፡፡

10) (የቆዳ ችግር) ቴምር የቆዳ ችግሮችን በማስወገድም መልካም ዝና አለው፡፡ ጸጉርን በማፋፋት የጸጉር መሳሳትንም ይከላከላል፡፡

10 Amazing Health Benefits Of Dates

Dates are considered as regular dry fruits.It contains rich source of vitamins,nutrients and minerals...Those are very helpful to normal growth and well being.

Cholesterol & Fat: Dates are good choice who are looking to loss weight.In any weight loss diet plan dates are included,because dates are free from any type of cholesterol and also contain less amount of fat.

Proteins: Dates are rich source of proteins and essential minerals that helpful to body functioning. Proteins are main building blocks for muscles.

Vitamins: Who are looking up to overcome vitamin deficiency dates are good choice.It contains almost all vitamins such as B1,B2,B3,B5 are very common and also A1 and C vitamin.

Energy: Energy is very important in our busy schedule.Natural sugars present in the dates will helps to boost up your energy in the body and gives you instant result.

 Potassium & Sodium: Dates are rich source of potassium which will helps to protect us from the risk of a stroke in the body.It also reduce cholesterol.High amount of potassium and less amount of sodium is a good combination for a healthy nervous system.

Iron: Dates are rich source of iron which can be helpful in iron deficiency.Most of the people fails to consume adequate amount of iron because of adding other ingredients in their meal.Fluorine present in the dates are also helps from tooth decaying.

Constipation: People suffering with constipation(difficulty in emptying the bowels) for those people dates soaked in water will gives better result.

Detoxifying the body: Dates are also used to detoxifying the body after over consumption of alcohol.Dates are also helpful to gain weight  who are suffering with under weight problems such as iron,proteins and vitamin deficiency.

Cure cancer: It cures abdominal cancer and are also well known for night blindness and eyesight problems.

 Skin problems: By consuming dates we can combat so many skin problems such as stretch marks vitamin B deficiency.Lack of vitamin B may cause different skin problems.It has a natural source of vitamin B.It can also strengthen hair follicle and prevent hair loss

Source : 

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